EECS C106B/206B | Robotic Manipulation and Interaction
Spring 2024 | Instructor: Professor Shankar Sastry
Week 15
- Work on Final Projects
- Paper presentations continue
Course Calendar
All lecture videos can be found on bCourses.
Week 1 - New Vistas in Robotics and Linear Control
- Discussion 1: Dynamical Systems & Linear Control (Worksheet) (Boardwork) (Video) (Solutions)
- Homework 1: Dynamical Systems (due 1/24)
- Optional Project 0 (ROS Review)
- “Reading a scientific or engineering paper”, presented by Professor Terry Johnson
- “How to read all of research (a lit review)” - presented by David McPherson
(Logistics Slides), (Lecture)
Reading - MLS 2.1-2.5, 3.1-3.3
Optional Reading - MLS Appendix A.3
Reading - MLS Ch 3.4, 4.1-4.3
Week 2 - Introduction to Basic Lyapunov Stability and Nonlinear Control
(Slides Pt 1) (Slides Pt 2) (Boardwork)
Reading - MLS 4.5
Reading - MLS 4.4 and Chapter 8
Week 3 - Feedback Linearization
- Discussion 3: Nonlinear Controls and Stability (Worksheet) (Boardwork & Video) (Solutions)
- Project 1 due Friday (2/2) and make sure to fill out the Team Signup Form
Week 4 - Multi-Input Feedback Linearization and Nonholonomic Systems
(Slides) (Boardwork)
Reading - MLS Chapter 8
(Slides) (Boardwork)
Reading - MLS
Week 5 - Steering and Controllability
- Discussion 5: Nonholonomic Steering (Worksheet) (Sp23 Boardwork) (Sp23 Video) (Solutions)
- Homework 3: Path Planning (due 2/26) (PDF) (Code)
- Project 2: Nonholonomic Control (due 2/23) (Slides)
Week 6 - Steering with Sinusoids and Grasping
Week 7 - Grasping
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 8 - Vision and Grasping
- Discussion 8: Kalman Filtering (Worksheet) (Boardwork) (Video) (Solutions)
- Project 3: State Estimation (due 3/22)
- Project 4: Grasping (due 3/22)
- Homework 4: Grasping (due 3/15)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 9 - SLAM
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 10 - OC + SLAM
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 11 - Spring Break
Have fun!
Have fun!
Week 12 - CBFs and RL
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 13 - AI
- Allen Yang’s Guest Lecture on Tuesday is Titled: Bridging Artificial General Intelligence and Artificial General Autonomy via High-Precision Digital Twin Modeling and New Human Interaction Modalities
- Homework 5: Vision and State Estimation (PDF)
- Project 5 (PDF)
- Final Project Guidelines PDF - Proposals due 4/19
- Discussion 11: Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning (Worksheet) (Video) (Boardwork)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 14 - Soft Robots & Intro to Legged Robotics
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 15 - The Future Is Now
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
(Slides) (Boardwork) (Video)
Week 16
Week 17
- Good luck on your exams!
Final Project Report and Website Due