
Do you ever get tired of typing the same long command over and over again? Well, you can create an alias for it! An alias is a shortcut for a command. For example, if you want to create an alias for source devel/setup.bash you can add the following line to the end your ~/.bashrc file:

alias sdevel="source devel/setup.bash"

Since we added this line to the ~/.bashrc file, everytime we open a new terminal, the alias will be created. Now we can type sdevel instead of source devel/setup.bash to source our workspace.

Useful Aliases

Here are some useful aliases that you can add to your ~/.bashrc file:

# Source the current workspace
alias sdevel="source devel/setup.bash"
# Enable the Sawyer robot (please complete the relevant Sawyer lab before using this alias)
alias esawyer="rosrun intera_interface -e"
# Run Sawyer's joint trajectory controller
alias sawyer_joint_traj_ctrl="rosrun intera_interface"
# Launch the MoveIt for Sawyer with the gripper enabled
alias sawyer_moveit_gripper="roslaunch sawyer_moveit_config sawyer_moveit.launch electric_gripper:=true"